Love and give without measure, be honest with yourself and others and always look at life as the miracle it is.

See it here in scripture: John 14-6
“I am the way” (Jesus taught to love, give, forgive and serve others. This is the way)
“The truth” (be honest in all things, do not deceive yourself or others)
“And the life” (have respect for and love ALL life. Christ is the bread of life).
“No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Whether you are Christian or not, the teachings above are timeless and beneficial for the human race.

Here is Gods will:
Love God first and our neighbors as ourselves.
This sums up the entire law as Jesus commanded… Find what is Gods will for each of us and when we discover that purpose then we must pursue that purpose with ALL that we have within our spirit, mind and body.

"Good has use of love and forgiveness but evil of guilt and hatred."

"The worthy church will be about the work of God"

"The good church is seen protecting the innocent while the wicked church is seen harming them."

"The prophets know true scripture, the priest and the rabbi do also understand in abundance, the deacons  a  bit  less  while  the  faithful  only  a  little  and  the innocent less still, so then each to his own ability can they hear."

"Nonetheless brethren, truth without love leads to oppression and love without truth leads to corruption."

Don’t let your hate determine your fate.

In love, be grateful
If hated, love them anyway.
Let Love overwhelm you.
Let Happiness overwhelm you.
Use joyful emotions to overwhelm you.